
The Windsor

Vegetable Tanned leather

Old Salt once told us a story:
Up jumps the whale... the largest of all,
‘If you want any wind, well, I’ll blow ye a squall!’
Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds, blow!
Jolly sou’wester, boys, steady she goes.
Old salt always remembers the times he met the whales out in the ocean. The big tail, arching above the waters as his ship moving towards. For him, that otherworldly scenery is always a sight to see, and cherish.
This belt was made as he remembers the big whale waves his tail towards him, and made the shape of the whale tail detail on the belt, and hand-stitched it with a strong construction. Using the vegetable tanned leather (it’s tough-but-buttery hand-feel made him fell in love at first sight!) he picked up from Brazil, and the locally-sourced solid brass buckle as it’s main component for strong and robust built belt. Inspect the belt until you find the whale mouth by the belt’s end tip ! The buckle itself was also inspired by the head of the whale, a big round shape, yet tough and functions to keep the belt in place and easily removed, even with a thick leather like this!


- 4.0 - 5.0 mm Brazilian vegetable tanned cowhide
- 1.5" wide
- Solid brass buckle
- Wired style tongue center bar buckle
- Hand-stitched belt fold
- Whale tail shaped belt fold
- Clipped belt tip
- Burnished belt edge
- Weight-pressed logo

Sizing Chart

IDR 650.000
IDR 520.000
